Ephesians 4:11 Welcome
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We hope you find our information interesting and helpful.
If you're looking to learn more about what the Bible says about the body of Christ and the Church in general, you've come to the right place.
This site is dedicated to teaching specifically about the Body of Christ and/or the Church for the purpose of growth and transformation. My material is not presented as a simple narrative, because most of us in the church already have adequate "head knowledge". Instead each section begins with questions designed to encourage your interaction with the material for the purpose of gaining revelation knowledge. Revelation knowledge is simply something God, Himself, reveals to you.
I've found that questions almost always elicits more of an involvement. Many readers actually stop reading to think about and even journal their answer. This is very desirable, especially in this type of a study. Healthy activities go on in the brain as we process and personalize new information. This actually enables us to renew of our minds and be transformed.
Journalingis another helpful tool to renewing our minds on God's Word. We will be providing downloadable journals to go along with our studies.
As you read through the material, please be aware of any emotions you’re sensing and examine them. They can alert you to attitudes and possible hindrances to change.
Question to consider
Also, are you seeing new concepts about God, His ways and His will for you?
Does anything challenge traditions or beliefs you’ve held?
Will you remain open-minded or will you become defensive?
If I may suggest, please approach this study as the Boreans did and above all enjoy the process.
… they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11. KJV
If your looking for information on renewing your mind or what it means to enjoy this new life Christ provides all believers, please check out our other sites.
If you're seeking to learn how to hear from God, check out my books